Mission Statement: 

The Pacific Northwest Inter-Campus Organizing Collective is a collective of workers from institutions of higher education in the Pacific Northwest—non-tenure and tenure line faculty, staff, and students—dedicated to resisting the neoliberal takeover (corporatization) of higher education antransforming academia by promoting and supporting the development of a more equitable and sustainable vision of higher education as a common good.  

PICOC upholds and works towards the promise of higher education to enhance community well-being by offering opportunities for the development of skills, knowledge, creativity, critical thinking, and deep reflection. PICOC seeks to benefit our academic and larger communities by raising awareness, promoting transparency, and inspiring action. PICOC enriches higher education in the Pacific NW region through the investment of time, knowledge, passion, and commitment to social action. 

Vision Statement:

The work of PICOC is guided and informed by our beliefs in and commitments to:

Inclusivity – We respect people, value diversity, and are committed to equity.  This includes an understanding and appreciation for intersectionality and a commitment to taking a firm stance against racism, classism, sexism, transphobia, ableism, ageism, and other forms of oppression.

Other values: 

  • Solidarity – We stand in solidarity with all struggles against oppression and that align with collective liberation.  We recognize that racism and other forms of oppression operate within higher education and throughout all institutions in ways that limit the potential and the wellbeing of communities. 
  • Collaboration – We believe in the power of working together and across institutions. Collectively we bring together our unique perspectives and strengths to co-create and support a new vision for higher education.
  • Knowledge – We value knowledge–both scientific and humanistic– that is not just created within and sanctioned by higher education, but the knowledge created and fostered within communities that strive for liberation.
  • Responsibility – We acknowledge our privileges and own our duty for creating safe(r) and more just learning environments.
  • Humility – We recognize that we do not hold all the answers.  We embrace this limitation as well as the importance of listening and learning from others.